Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Whole Group Writing - Opinion

Whole Group Writing - Opinion

I had a great time with my kids beginning our journey with the writing process.  I used my writing prompt "What Flavor Would You Be?" with some modifications.  I wasn't happy that I couldn't use the Adobe file directly on the Smartboard, but that didn't stop me.  I captured the image with the camera icon and moved it to create a file on the Smartboard.  I did change the topic for my prewrite, My Ultimate Bowl....  The kids could identify with my favorite bowl of ice cream and we talked about changing the topic to something more specific so we wouldn't write about the same thing.  I emphasized the importance of just getting ideas on the screen.  It worked out wonderfully.  I purposefully misspelled some words and just wrote phrases to show the kids the importance of just getting the ideas ready for writing.   It worked!

 I have decided to create a full size display of our group writing for a reference when we continue to write with the opinion genre.


Pictured below is our prewrite:

Inspiring Kids to Read, Write, and Illustrate!

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Monday, September 2, 2013

Managing the Writing Process in the Classroom

Managing the Writing Process in the Classroom

I am a visual person!  We have been in school for a couple of weeks in Georgia and I was excited to return.  I was eager to try one of my writing prompts to begin opinion writing.  I began by teaching the writing process through modeling as a whole group.  I started my year with "What flavor would you be?", but I focused on the children's favorite flavor.  I changed my topic a little to "My Ultimate Bowl..." (You can download my prompt from Teachers Pay Teachers for just $1.99.)
As we started our writing journey as a class, I found that the children were working at different paces and I has to come up with some way to manage where each child was in the writing process.  I recycled a hallway display and placed it on my metal cabinets with magnets.  Because I am visual, I can look at the cabinet and easily see where each child is with the writing process.  Some of the children are more motivated that others, but the fact that they have to move their name on their own helps them to self evaluate.
Others have used charts and clothes pins with names.  Hey, whatever works for you and your class.  Just don't forget to write.
Inspiring Kids to Read, Write, and Illustrate!