Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wrapping Up 2012!

Wrapping Up 2012

Many of you who have been following my blog know that I have been spending most of my holiday break as a teacher updating my website and finishing my first writing prompt.  Last night was a late night 1:30am because I was spending much needed time with family.  I woke up at 5am this morning and I wanted to check out my book marketing with search engines.  I found the following information and made the post to facebook below:
Each year Barnes and Noble puts together their bestselling e-books/NookBooks for the year, Top Selling 100 for the NY Times Best Selling, Most Popular in the Lending Program, and Trending. I am currently ranked #49 out of 4,000 for the children's category of best selling NookBooks currently in 2012 and ranked 9,882 amongst over 350,000 titles. I am blessed to be where I am right now as an author and illlustrator. Please feel free to pass this information on to others. I will be posting a complete version of my story on my blog.
I just woke up to give an update and post a blog.  I am humble through all of this and reminded that all things are possible.  People who know me personally know that I often second guess what I do with my writing and illustrating, wanting to put forth 100%, pleasing everyon.  This holds me back.  I have reached this level of success because other people have taken time to repost what I write, and they send it to friends and family, with the hope that I make it.  I would not be where i am in life without those around me.  During the holiday season I watch movie classics that remind me of the past and get me in the holiday mood.  It's a Wonderful Life is a spectacular movie that summarizes my thoughts and feelings with this post.  You might say that this is my "George Bailey" moment!  Clarance's inscription in the book at the end reminds me of what is most important with success: "Remember, George: no man is a failure who has friends." --Clarence in "It's A Wonderful Life."  The whole point of my post is this:  You are already a success!  You just haven't realized it yet.

Quick Tip for Authors and Illustrators:  You have to market yourself!  If you don't tell people about the great things you are doing, who will?  If you are an upcoming author, illustrator, or trying to get your stuff marketed, you have to have  website and get your name out there.  Once youare out there, you have to keep updated where you are and keep telling people about what you are doing.  Never give up!

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